SGI Hot Mix 17
Hot Mix 17.iso
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334 lines
; $Id: c_edit.pro,v 1.2 1997/01/15 04:02:19 ali Exp $
; Copyright (c) 1988-1997, Research Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.
pro draw_bar, bar
on_error,2 ;Return to caller if an error occurs
sx = bar.x1 - bar.x0 + 1
if bar.inten_0 ne bar.inten_1 then $
z = byte(bar.inten_0 + findgen(sx) * (bar.inten_1 - bar.inten_0)/sx) $
else z = replicate(bar.inten_0,sx)
for i=bar.y0, bar.y1 do tv,z,bar.x0,i
xyouts, bar.x0, bar.y1+2, strtrim(string(bar.minv,format=bar.nfmt),2),/dev
xyouts, bar.x1, bar.y1+2, strtrim(string(bar.maxv,format=bar.nfmt),2),/dev,align=1.0
xyouts, (bar.x1 + bar.x0)/2, bar.y1+2, bar.title, align=0.5,/dev
plots,[bar.x0, bar.x0,bar.x1,bar.x1,bar.x0],$ ;incribe it
pro c_edit_back
common c_edit_common,nc, nc1, nc2, wxsize, wysize, $
colors, plot_xs, plot_ys, names, bars
on_error,2 ;Return to caller if an error occurs
ramp = bytscl(indgen(512),top=nc1)
for i=wysize-60,wysize-30 do tv,ramp,wxsize/2-256,i
;define bar structure
a = { slide_bar, x0:0, y0:0, x1:0, y1:0, title:'', minv:0.0, maxv:0.0, $
inten_0:0, inten_1:0, nfmt:'', str_val:'', value: 1, s: [0.,0.] }
bars = replicate(a,4) ;make 4 of them
bar_wid = wxsize/2.2
bar_x0 = wxsize/4-bar_wid/2
bars.x0 = bar_x0
bars.x1 = bar_x0 + bar_wid
bars.y0 = 100*(findgen(4)+1)
bars.y1 = bars.y0 + 30
bars.nfmt= ['(f4.0)','(f4.2)','(f4.2)','(f4.0)']
bars.minv = [0,0,0,0]
bars.maxv = [360.,1.0,1.0,nc1]
bars.inten_0 = [nc2,nc2,nc2,0]
bars.inten_1 = [nc2,nc2,nc2,nc1]
for i=0,3 do draw_bar, bars(i)
c_labels = ['Red','Green','Blue','Red']
c_align = [0,.5,.5,1]
for i=0,3 do $ ;Label colors for hue
xyouts,bar_x0 + bar_wid*i/3, bars(0).y0 - !d.y_ch_size,$
c_labels(i), align = c_align(i), /dev
plot_xst = .6
plot_xend = .9
plot_ht = 0.2
yr = [360.,1.,1.]
plot_position = fltarr(4,3)
plot_xs = fltarr(2,3)
plot_ys = plot_xs
for i=0,2 do begin
y = i/3.5+0.1 ;Y of bottom
plot_position(0,i) = [plot_xst,y, plot_xend, y+plot_ht]
pos=plot_position(*,i),ystyle=2,xstyle=3, tickl = -0.02
plot_xs(0,i) = !x.s
plot_ys(0,i) = !y.s
pro interp_colors,pts, npts, colors ;interpolate colors
; pts = array of subscripts of tie points.
; npts = # of elements in pts
; colors = (n,3) array of colors. Interpolated between tie points.
on_error,2 ;Return to caller if an error occurs
for i=0,npts-2 do begin ;interpolate
i0 = pts(i) & i1 = pts(i+1)
kc = i1 - i0 ;# of colors to interp+1
if kc gt 1 then begin
c = colors(i0,*)
dc = colors(i1,*) - c ;delta clockwise
dc0 = dc(0) ;hue dist clockwise
while (dc0 lt (-180.)) do dc0 = dc0 + 360.
while (dc0 gt 180.) do dc0 = dc0 - 360.
dc1 = -dc(0) ;delta ccw
while (dc1 lt (-180.)) do dc1 = dc1 + 360.
while (dc1 gt 180.) do dc1 = dc1 - 360.
if abs(dc1) lt abs(dc0) then begin ;Use closest
dc(0) = dc1
endif else begin
dc(0) = dc0
dc = dc / kc
colors(i0+1,0) = ((findgen(kc-1)+1) # dc) + $ ;Interpolate
(replicate(1,kc-1) # c)
endif ;kc gt 1
endfor ;i loop
colors(0,0) = (colors(*,0) + 360.) mod 360. ;wrap the hue
pro c_edit, colors_out, hsv = hsv, hls = hls
; Interactive creation of color tables based on the HLS or the HSV color
; systems using the mouse and three sliders. Similar to COLOR_EDIT but
; two sliders replace the color wheel. The sliders allow better control
; of HSV colors near 0% saturation, but the interface is less intuitive.
; Color tables.
; C_EDIT [,COLORS_OUT] [, HSV = hsv] [, HLS = hls]
; None.
; HLS: If this keyword is set, use the Hue Lightness Saturation system.
; HSV: If this keyword is set, use the Hue Saturation Value system
; (the default).
; COLORS_OUT: If supplied, this variable contains the final color
; table triples as an array of the form (number_colors, 3).
; COLORS: Contains the current RGB color tables.
; Color tables are modified and values in COLORS common block are
; changed. A temporary window is used.
; Works only with window systems.
; A window is created with a color bar centered at top and four
; sliders along the left side. The four sliders are labeled:
; 1) Pixel Value (from 0 to the number of available colors -1 )
; 2) Value (for HSV) or Lightness (HLS) can have values from
; 0 to 1.
; 3) Saturation can have values from 0 to 1.
; 4) Hue (0 to 360): Red is 0 degrees, green is 120 degrees,
; and blue is 240 degrees.
; Three graphs on the right show the current values of the three
; parameters versus pixel value.
; Operation: The left mouse button is used to mark values on the
; sliders. The middle button is used to erase marked pixel
; values (tie points) in the Pixel Value slider. The right
; button updates the color tables and exits the procedure.
; To use: Move the mouse into the slider whose value you want
; to change and press the left button to select
; a Value/Lightness, Saturation, or Hue. Move the mouse
; with the left button depressed to interactively alter a color.
; When you have created a color, move the mouse to the top
; slider and select a pixel value. The three color parameters
; are interpolated between pixel values that have been marked
; (called tie points). Tie points are shown as small vertical
; lines beneath the "Pixel Value" slider. Press the middle
; button with the cursor over the Pixel Value slider to delete
; the nearest tie point.
; Note that in the HSV system, a Value of 1.0 represents the maximum
; brightness of the selected hue. In the HLS system, a Lightness of 0.5
; is the maximum brightness of a chromatic hue, 0.0 is black, and 1.0
; is bright white. In the HLS color space, modeled as a double-ended
; cone, the Saturation value has no effect at the extreme ends of the
; cone (i.e., lightness = 0 or 1).
; You can access the new color tables by declaring the common block
; COLORS as follows:
; COMMON COLORS, r_orig, g_orig, b_orig, r_curr, g_curr, b_curr
; DMS, July, 1988.
; SNG, December, 1990 - For MSDOS only: c_edit does not support
; resolutions lower than 640x480.
common c_edit_common,nc, nc1, nc2, wxsize, wysize, $
colors, plot_xs, plot_ys, names, bars
common colors, r_orig, g_orig, b_orig, r_curr, g_curr, b_curr
on_error,2 ;Return to caller if an error occurs
psave = !p ;Save !p
nc = !d.table_size ;# of colors avail
if nc eq 0 then message, 'Device has static color tables, Can''t adjust'
device,get_write=old_mask, set_write=255 ;Enable all bits
nc1 = nc -1
nc2 = nc1-1 ;Current color
!p.noclip = 1 ;No clipping
!p.color = nc1 ;Foreground color
!p.font = 0 ;Hdw font
old_window = !d.window ;Previous window
if n_elements(hsv) eq 0 then hsv = 0
if n_elements(hls) eq 0 then hls = 0
if (hsv eq 0) and (hls eq 0) then hsv = 1 ;default system
if hsv then begin
names = ['Hue','Saturation','Value','Pixel Value']
endif else begin
names = ['Hue','Lightness','Saturation','Pixel Value']
if hls then l = 0.5 else l = 1.0
colors = [[fltarr(nc)],[replicate(l,nc)],[findgen(nc)/nc]]
wxsize = 640
wysize = 600 < !d.y_vsize
if (!d.flags and 256) ne 0 then $
window,xs=wxsize, ys=wysize, title='Intensity transformation',/free
tvlct,colors(0:nc2,0),colors(0:nc2,1),colors(0:nc2,2), hsv = hsv, hls = hls
tvlct,0,0,1,nc1,/hsv ;last color is white
npts = 2 ;tie points
pts = indgen(nc) ;x values of tie points
pts(1) = nc1 ;init values
curr = [0,l,1.0,0] ;Current values
pxl_ind = 0
old_v = 0.
; *** Main loop ***
tvrdc,x,y,/dev ;read mouse with wait
if !err eq 1 then begin
for i=0,3 do if (y ge bars(i).y0) and (y le bars(i).y1) then begin
a = bars(i) ;Bar struct
v = (x - a.x0)*(a.maxv - a.minv)/(a.x1 - a.x0) + a.minv
v = v > a.minv < a.maxv
;update text
xyouts, a.x1+3, a.y0+3 ,a.str_val,col=0,/dev
bars(i).str_val = strtrim(string(v,format=a.nfmt),2)
xyouts, a.x1+3, a.y0+3 ,bars(i).str_val,color=nc1,/dev
curr(i) = v ;save value
if i eq 3 then goto, mark_pixel
if !err eq 1 then goto,next2
mark_pixel: ;Get a hit in the pixel value Y values
pxl_ind = fix(v)
x = a.x0 + float(pxl_ind) * (a.x1 - a.x0)/nc1
p = where(pxl_ind eq pts(0:npts-1), n)
if n eq 0 then begin ;already there?
pts(npts) = pxl_ind
pts(0) = pts(sort(pts(0:npts))) ;re sort
npts = npts + 1
colors(pxl_ind,*) = curr(0:2)
for i=0,2 do begin ;erase old plots
!x.s = plot_xs(*,i)
!y.s = plot_ys(*,i)
interp_colors, pts, npts, colors ;color interp
tvlct,colors(1:nc2-1,0),colors(1:nc2-1,1), $
colors(1:nc2-1,2),1, hls = hls, hsv = hsv
for i=0,2 do begin ;draw new plots
!x.s = plot_xs(*,i)
!y.s = plot_ys(*,i)
endif $ ;!err eq 1
; here we delete a point:
; only remove from bar # 3, the pixel value bar
else if (!err eq 2) and (y ge bars(3).y0) and (y le bars(3).y1) then begin
a = bars(3) ;Bar struct
v = (x - a.x0)*(a.maxv - a.minv)/(a.x1 - a.x0) + a.minv
pxl_ind = fix(v > a.minv < a.maxv) < nc1 > 0 ;pixel value
j = min(abs(pts(0:npts-1) - pxl_ind),i) ;get index of closest point
pxl_ind = pts(i)
x = a.x0 + float(pxl_ind) * (a.x1 - a.x0)/nc1
plots,[x,x],[a.y0-8,a.y0-1],/dev,col=0 ;erase tick
;never delete first or last points
if (i eq 0) or (i eq nc1) then goto, next
pts = [pts(0:i-1), pts(i+1:*)] ;remove it
npts = npts - 1
goto, interp_it
endif $
else if !err eq 4 then goto,done ;all done
done: tvlct,r_orig, g_orig, b_orig,/get ;Read rgb, save in common
r_curr = r_orig & g_curr = g_orig & b_curr = b_orig
if n_params() ge 1 then colors_out = [r_orig, g_orig, b_orig]
if (!d.flags and 256) ne 0 then begin
wdelete ;kill window
if old_window ge 0 then begin ;restore window?
tvcrs,0.5,0.5,/norm ;show the table
tvcrs ;hide cursor
!p = psave